Protect Your Trip with Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind Refund Assurance is the best way to postpone or cancel your trip.
You can add Peace of Mind to your trip 4+ weeks prior to departure.

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Add Peace of Mind Refund Assurance to your booking!


Postponement Policy

If you’re not able to attend your trip dates, we encourage you to put your Have Fun Do Good trip on hold for a later date to avoid steeper penalties. If you postpone your Have Fun Do Good Trip, you can move your deposit to a different trip or put your trip on hold until you have dates in mind.

Postponement policy chart, free with POM, $100 without POM

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your Have Fun Do Good, please reach out as soon as possible and our Traveler Support Team will help you with any questions and next steps.

Cancellation policy chart comparing the higher refunds available with POM
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